ERM CVS Offers a wide range of Product Claim assurance services.

Consumers purchasing choices are increasingly impacted by the environmental impact and credentials of the products they buy.

Many businesses have sought to differentiate themselves by reducing their products impact and marketing their products on this basis, through advertising or packaging claims.

Regrettably, some organizations have suffered significant reputational and financial damage due to either deliberate or accidental false claims about their products.

How can ERM CVS help?

ERM CVS can provide an independent 3rd party Assurance service, in accordance with internationally recognized standards (e.g. ISO’s, ISAE 3000, GHG Protocol)

By partnering with us as your Assurance provider, we can give your business;

  • credibility and trust, in the eyes of your customers, regarding the claims your business makes about its products
  • greatly reduced risk of ‘green wash’ accusations
  • enhanced stakeholder confidence (shareholders / customers / partners) recognize the approach to claims is rigorous, and credible
  • insight into how your products compare with those of your competitors in the market
  • information needed for scope 3 product carbon footprint (PCF) emissions statements (associated with the organization and its products)
  • the ability to help your customers more accurately report their emissions

No matter your sector or industry, showing the true impact of your solutions and products will give your company a competitive advantage, drive efficiency, and reduce risk

Depending on your need, ERM CVS offers a variety of assurance and certification solutions to ensure accuracy and credibility around your sustainability product claims:

ERM CVS Service Description Example Reporting Criteria
Product Carbon Footprint Assurance Assurance for a specific GHG emissions or impact-related claim associated with a particular product, using the results of a Life Cycle Analysis study.Assurance focuses on the accuracy of the input data, calculations, and the resulting output. ISO 14067: 2018 Carbon footprint of products
ISO 14040/44
PAS 2050
GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard
GIIGNL Framework (LNG Cargoes)
Critical Review​ A peer review carried out by individuals who have substantial scientific knowledge in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). ​ ISO 14071
Environmental (non-GHG) Claim Assurance​ Recyclability, Recycled Content, Circularity Claims, Energy savings, Water savings, etc. ​
Helps prevent greenwashing and greenhushing in what our clients are saying about their products​
ISO 14040/44​
ISO 14021​
Regulations: (e.g. US Green Guides, UK Green Claims Code, EU Green Claims Directive), Australian Consumer Law)​
Avoided Emissions​ Prove that your activities, products, or services are helping to avoid unwanted GHG emissions.​ WBCSD Avoided Emissions Guidance​
Carbon Neutral Certification​ Demonstrate your achievement of reaching carbon-neutral status​ PAS 2060
Methane Emissions Management / Oil & Gas Sector ​ Oil and Gas sector experts review reconciliation processes, calculation methodologies, methane intensities, and methane emissions to provide trust in progress towards reduction and meeting new regulatory requirements. ​ Veritas Protocol

Why choose ERM CVS?

Our experience

Since 1996, we have been providing expert assurance and verification services in a wide array of sectors and schemes, both regulatory and voluntary, providing 3rd party statements of both reasonable and limited assurance. ERM CVS holds multiple accreditations and is recognized by many scheme owners and regulators.

Our team has;

  • Auditing competence related to management systems and corporate assurance (ISO 14064, GHG Protocol, ISAE 3000
  • deep sector specific experience

In addition:

  • We actively contribute to the development of standards in certain areas.
  • We tailor our teams to our client so that we ensure our client gets the benefit of our deep sector specific experience as well as our experience in the regulatory or technical standards involved

Our Approach

We work with you to help you understand the requirements and give you a detailed view of the entire process, right from the start. Our team will be familiar with your business area and the questions they pose and comments they make along the way will help enhance the skills and knowledge that you have within your business - we aim to deliver the verification required, but also to make your business stronger and more resilient.

Throughout our GHG assurance engagements, we leverage our expertise in reporting procedures, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, to fulfil our role as an independent verifier. This means we review our clients work and data, to identify methodology issues, coverage gaps and inaccurate data presentation. The result of our assurance process is that the GHG disclosures assured by ERM CVS are an accurate reflection of our client’s emissions.

Each ERM CVS assurance project is tailored to meet the specific needs of the client. This means standalone Product Claim focused engagements are available, however, we are able to assist clients with broader scopes of ESG verification work where necessary.

Our integrity

  • We comply with strict ethics requirements and all scheme specific requirements
  • We have an impartiality committee that has oversight of all of ERM CVS’s services
  • All of our work is delivered under our quality management system, which meets the requirements of ISO 17021 and ISO 17029.